Graduate school is trying to kill me ... it may even be winning. On Tuesday I was convinced that I was going to either quit or die trying to do all my reading and writing.
Perhaps the family would chip in and build a mini-chapel
to me that would look like this:
Paris, France
Mmmm, probably not ... its a bit too fancy. How about a headstone like this
(minus the WILSON on the bottom):
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Perhaps that one is too masculine ... maybe something with flowers - in stone so they don't have to bring real ones (I know how those Johnson's are):
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Lets be honest, most likely my headstone would look like one of these:
Annapolis, Maryland
Either way, the inscription would read:
Insufficient consumption rate of written information.
to me that would look like this:

Mmmm, probably not ... its a bit too fancy. How about a headstone like this
(minus the WILSON on the bottom):

Perhaps that one is too masculine ... maybe something with flowers - in stone so they don't have to bring real ones (I know how those Johnson's are):

Lets be honest, most likely my headstone would look like one of these:

Either way, the inscription would read:
Insufficient consumption rate of written information.
Death by tome ... gee, that's neat.
The hardest thing about graduate school so far is that a lot of the reading is actually very very interesting and engaging ... its just so much for me to handle in a small amount of time. I feel like I don't have time to actually think about what I am reading because I am too busy trying to consume all the material.
Sigh. I will get through it and grow and learn and stuff like that. Wish me luck ... only 9 more weeks to go.