Sunday, August 19, 2007

travel as education

Traveling teaches so many lessons. Everyone should take some time to do some traveling. To get the most out of your traveling experience, one should go to places that you have never been to before because this world is full of surprises. When you get on a plane, train, or metro you are bound to have some interesting experiences. Community travel (aka commercial airline, train or bus and NOT a road trip in your own personal vehicle) is a talent, one that often must be learned. Patience, kindness, and compassion are just a few traits that can be developed while traveling if you will only allow it. And believe me, it is not always easy. Crying babies, individuals with more bags than they can carry (I have done this while moving across the country so I know have a little more compassion), loud snoring, loud talkers, bad smells, circulated air ... really the list could go on. But seriously, all these things just end up being good stories to tell ... so don't worry - you'll get through it.

Staying in a new place, whether it be the pull out sofa-bed of my brother and sister-in-laws
condo with their four little kids waking up at 6:30 am all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, or in the plush double-bed of a Hampton Inn suite, also teaches a few lessons. It always requires some flexibility and adventure when you aren't in your usual sleeping environment.

Traveling also breaks down stereotypes and preconceived notions. So many times have I been to places with low expectations and discovered the unique gems that individual cities have to offer. Boise, Idaho is a perfect example of this. It is a great city with a fun downtown vibe. Quaint but hip. I really really enjoyed it.

I believe places have souls - drawn from the people, the architecture, the environment, the history, and the present activities. You can feel a city's soul almost immediately ... you just get this cool vibe from places and you can feel what a city is all about. That is not to say that these vibes can't change and evolve with time as you spend a few days walking down its streets and seeking out the aspects that give the city its defining characteristics ... because they most definitely do. But I have found that time just ends up elaborating on the first impression vibe.

The more I travel - domestically and internationally - the more I realize that this world is amazing. There is so much to see and do and experience. So many different ways to live your life and so many places to live it. With all the places I have traveled to and all the states I have lived in, I find that each location provides me with a different perspective. Sometimes I feel like a chameleon because I change a little bit depending on the city I live in. My style changes a bit, my activities change a bit, and my interests change a bit. Sometimes that makes me feel like I am unsure of who I am, but really I think that its just a reflection of my learning and growth. I hope that the places I have been will continue to shape me.


Meaghan said...

I could not agree with you more Bethany! Travel is such a great educational opportunity, you can learn so much from experiencing things first hand. As long as I am healthy enough, I plan on traveling and learning my whole life...speaking of which, I still haven't been to Oregon...I need a trip to the Northwest!! You fit perfectly into this plan. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh B i agree as well especially with boise i lived there for two years and i just loved the vibe in the downtown area!!! they have so much to do for so many differant types of people, that makes that city so much fun!!