Monday, August 27, 2007

Missin You Like Candy

Mandy Moore at the House of Blues, Anaheim ... it was great. Go ahead - judge me. I don't care.

Have to respect a woman who can look back at being 14 and agree that it was silly. She too thought that "missin you like candy" made no sense ... but I was still happy she sang it for us. She sang this song too ... you may hate it, but I thought it was good.

Let me just say that I like that Mandy Moore ... she's a nice girl.


mlinson said...

Wait! She has her own reality TV show! hahaha, it is pretty funny and cool to see that, as you point out, she actually despised the crap she had to do as a teenager. On the show she performed and (probably staged) had to look up the lyrics to candy for her bluesy rendition of it. Anyhoo, its a silly and entertaining show for those of us who support the newly grown up version of Mandy Moore. I believe it is on the Oxygen network because only women and perhaps some gay men would enjoy such a series...

mlinson said...

Oh, and Bethany, I miss you like candy.

Bethany said...

awww ... i miss you like candy too! Yes, I plan to watch it and plan on talking about it with you! Yeah!