maybe i already blogged about this at some point, but i couldn't find it if i did ... although, i didn't look very hard ... anyway, here goes:
so i am at the university's rec center ... very nice set-up i might add ... and all i can think is how i hate the skinny pretty girls. i mean they are everywhere. i can't get away from them. i am on the eliptical (bad place to start) and i am surrounded by, like, 10 skinny pretty girls sweating their butts off (literally). i go up to the indoor track/stretching area and yup, skinny pretty girls are running around all perky like on the track ... like running for reals - not the fake running that is just to be seen.
And even worse than hating them because they are skinny and pretty ... i automatically assume they aren't very bright (isn't that awful!?) ... the thought process goes like this:
i hate that skinny pretty girl sweating it up on the elliptical over there. she looks amazing in spandex and has the flattest stomach i have ever seen. well, at least i am smart even if i am not the skinny pretty girl working out.
And then I debate to myself if I would give up my brain to have an amazing body like hers ... hahaha (you girls know exactly what I am talking about ... you know you have had a similar conversation with yourself ... right?! eek, i am a bad person, huh?)
Its unfair because these girls are at the university gym which means they are attending the university ... and they are probably very smart ... probably way smarter than I am. But I automatically assume they must spend more time in the gym than they do studying in order to maintain that level of fitness ... I mean who could do both???!!! And what an unfair comparison ... they are like 19 years old and next week ... I am going to be 25, which is not old by any means, but I mean come on, its not 19.
Sigh ... and there you have it. I am mean and shallow and envious ... the worst combination i can think of.
One of my resolutions this year - not to stop thinking those thoughts ... no I am not that unrealistic in my resolutions ... I am trying something even more impossible ... i am resolving to be one of those skinny pretty girls that everyone assumes isn't very bright. If I was skinny, I could handle the hater vibes from the other girls ... because I would know it was a hard journey ... cheers to the typical resolution of eating healthier and exercising more. And good luck to all those who have this one written down too.
(I know ... you are thinking - "she came out of blogging hibernation to say that?! man, that girl is messed up" ... but hey, I take the inspiration where I can get it.