Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Christopher and Lorelai ... its like PB & J

They just go together! And they have history to build on! I am rooting for it to work this time. I know he's been unreliable in the past ... but he's grown up now, sort of. And lets face it ... he GETS her. They are just good together. Luke and Lorelai, while their names sound great together, their personalities do not. Too many secerets kept and too much hesitation in every aspect of their relationship.

So I am pulling for them ... for Christopher to get his act together and for Lorelai not to be afraid of loving a man her mother actually likes.


Lis said...

Nope, Nein, Nei. Christopher and Lorelai are no go for launch! Bad! It is all Luke and and Lore. They are meant to be together. They had chemistry from the start. I know, I'm getting way too involved in the love lives of fictional characters, but we've had some good years together and I'm not going to desert them now. Boo Christopher. Down with him and his little prissy daughter.

April said...

It reminds me of a great song, you might rememember - "I'm peanut butter and you are jelly and we're so happy on our little piece of bread ... Please forgive me for that stint with honey. I looked what's on the label and not what's inside." So, who is Lorelai's honey and who is her jelly ... I guess only time will tell.