Monday, August 06, 2007

sick days should always be this fun

A few weeks ago my sister and mom came to visit me. I should have posted this earlier, but I got distracted by the opportunity to see Senator Reid speak. Plus I called in sick to spend time with them and I didn't want to blog about it while I was still employed. But since I no longer work - I feel like its ok to show photographic evidence of my sick day. The photo is not dated or anything, hehehehe. Not the greatest photo of us, but family is so great that its still worth posting.

Mom, Sarah, Bethany ... taken in the reflection of the Vietnam Memorial.

It was my sister's first time out to DC and she got to visit without kids! It was a fun vacation for us all, even though we were reminded of how very very different we are. Its funny how siblings can be so different. But diversity (even in the family) makes the world go round and I am thankful for our differences. I hope one day it won't feel like they are so big, but until then I hope we continue to love each other for all those little things we each bring to the table independently. I am really glad I got to share this city with my big sister and mom for a few days ... it was great!

(Lets see how long it takes for my sister to actually realize that I posted this ... she doesn't read my blog much and I get on her case about it all the time)


Sarah said...

"Sisters are like two different kinds of flowers grown in the same garden." Atleast I think that that is the quote ( but you get the idea ). I think that this is a wonderful example of you and I and although we are very different , we are still beautiful in our own ways. I respect and love what you bring to my garden (life) and I hope you know how much I do love you.I am excited for you to be on the west coast so that we may build on our relationship and friendship in person ( we I can find the time to take another "mommy timeout ". ) I love you sister ! Thanks for being such a great host and accepting the non-tourist in me.

Sarah said...

By the way it only took me 6 days to read ! HA ! Give me credit even if it isn't everyday ! LOVE YA !

Bethany said...

Looks good Sarah - hehehe ... i agree - its fun to be different and I am glad to be on the west coast to have more time talkin to ya. love you too!