Saturday, April 28, 2007

and I quote ....

"On the issue of climate change, we ought to cap carbon emissions in the United States. We ought to invest in clean alternative sources of energy. We ought to invest in carbon sequestration technology, in coal technology. A billion dollars, at least, into making sure we build the most fuel-efficient vehicles on the planet. We ought to ask Americans to be patriotic about something other than war. To be willing to conserve."
- John Edwards at the First Democratic Debate in Orangeburg, SC April 26, 2007
Read some quotes from the other candidates here.

The way I see it, even if by some far stretch of the imagination climate change is not being sped up by human beings, isn't it always a good idea to use less and conserve? What's the harm in being as energy efficient as possible? Mostly these are just my thoughts to myself. I have leaps and bounds to go when it comes to conserving and being more energy efficient. But knowing is the first step to change, right?! I hope so. This idea of conservation and sacrifice seems to fit seamlessly with the gospel as well. It all goes back to the whole, being good stewards thing. Do what you will with the opinion of John Edwards. I just thought it was interesting and happens to be something that I have been thinking of for quite some time.


i'vebeenflimped said...

What a great quote- it seems like we always equate patriotism with war/milatary related activities. It's about time someone broadened the patriotic spectrum.

Alex said...

i like the point about conserving being in line with being good stewards. when people twist passages for discriminatory purposes i tend to forget that there is lots of wisdom in there.