Thursday, September 21, 2006

Explanations and Justifications

All of a sudden the name of my blog came to me ... Juxtapose (one of my favorite words) - a concept I learned of in my freshman year of college at the BYU. It was in an art class - I believe the course was titled ... Introduction to Art. It was one of those "what is art", "art is everywhere" sort of classes ... and I liked it. Anyway, the concept of putting two things next to eachother and comparing and contrasting was a great concept that I enjoyed already - but to give it a name - Brilliant!

So lets take this concept one step further, in order to more fully explain and justify myself (and perhaps offer insight into me) ... I don't like the idea of just comparing or contrasting any old things - I want to juxtapose seemingly different and oppossing things and see where common ground can be found. Or even better, where complimentary differences arise! One small and not-so-ground breaking example can be found in my neighboorhood. The old and the new in all of their glory (and guts ... lots of building and rebuilding going on in this city) can be seen in every inch of U Street. The modern and the historic right next door to eachother makes my heart burst with happiness. I have always felt like an old soul ... which is where the name Baroque comes in. I love the ornate, busy, over-the-top detail of the District, but the modern resergence of this city also satisfies my youthful urge for the future with clean lines and innovative design. It makes me smile. Juxtaposition ... so much good can come from it.

p.s. ... as soon as i figure this out I will add some pictures to illustrate my points.

1 comment:

me :) said...

I like your blog. I linked it to my blog.