Sunday, February 17, 2008

retail therapy

My horoscope for today:

"Building on what you already started sounds more attractive to you than beginning anew. Beautiful Venus enters your 2nd House of Possessions to remind you of the pleasures you crave. But be cautious about putting yourself in a financially precarious position as you seek emotional satisfaction through the material world. Ultimately, stability is more important than fleeting gratification."

This weekend I was in a bad mood and was a little upset in general ... never mind that. The point is how I approached these feelings: I went shopping ... and it made me feel better. And then the next day I went and returned the shoes I bought the night before.


Sarah said...

Love you ! Hope you have recovered . I too find satisfaction when buying things. I too also end up returning many things after a few days of looking at them. For me, the novelty of the item wears off once it is in my house. Works great for the wallet.

Chelsi Ritter said...

amen, sister! as eric will tell you, this is a reacurring habit of mine as well: go shopping, buy the clothes, then take them home and decide to return them to enjoy another full day of shopping!