Friday, June 08, 2007


I didn't want to be a copy-cat and include this link on my blog, but then I actually plugged in my name and received the following definition and I HAD to post it, because well - it is true:

Bethany Johnson --

A master blogger

I also tried my blogging name:

Baroque --


A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever

The only problem I discovered is that you can re-submit and get a different answer every time ... I know I know ... I should have realized it just randomly generates phrases, but still I was sad. When I plugged in my full name - this was the first definition ... for reals! But the second one I kept getting stupid ones and finally just gave up and kept this one.

Try it out for yourself - just once - and tell me how the dictionary defines you!


Meaghan said...

No joke:

Meaghan --

An immortal

That this is totally NOT random.

Bethany said...

hahahaha - awesome. of course, this is so fitting for you.

Lis said...

I got this:

"A hermit living in the big city."

Who knew?

Meaghan said...

Hahahaha, oh Lis too funny.

mlinson said...

I am a [noun]:

A level headed person who always makes the wrong decision