Friday, March 02, 2007

The Universe Speaks To Me ... But How Does It Know Me So Well?

I am sick ... but I can't sleep and that is the worst thing ever. So I fired up my mac to get some research going to help me figure out where I should go to school and this was on my google home page ... yes I have my daily horoscope on my google page. I know, I know - lame. But I am always amazed how right on it is. I am a capricorn through and through and sometimes its scary.

Anyway - here it is. The universe must know that I have a big decision ahead of me and this was its advice:

You can increase your efficiency today by analyzing all the details before jumping into a new situation. Even if everything looks very inviting, just remind yourself that you aren't in a hurry. Take your time and gather more data. Once you have enough information to see the big picture from a practical point of view, trust your judgment and make a decision.
Friday, March 2, 2007


Meaghan said...

Wow! That is one serious horoscope. Congratulations on Maryland!! I am so happy that you have a decision to make, and that they didn't decide for you. Give it a week or so, it will sort itself out. Only good things can happen.

The pics are awesome, I can't wait to see the rest!!!

Clarkson said...

Three concise posts in a row. I'm so impressed!