Tuesday, January 16, 2007

blogging as education

Blogging teaches me all sorts of new things about computers, the internet and programs. For example ... I haven't been able to have my tool bar displaying all my little editing tools on blogger since I started blogging with my new mac laptop. It has been a pain for me since I don't know how to do much of anything on this thing as of yet (but like I said, I am learning). So I decide there must be a mac thing - that's been my default feeling lately ... "it must be a mac thing" - that I am missing. So today I decided to take control and do some investigating. Which really just means look at the blogger help page. And I figured it out! In just a few clicks I might add! Safari doesn't support the whole wysiwyg thing (which, p.s. I just linked to using my handy-dandy button on my handy-dandy editing tool bar - i heart blogger and its help page). Sooo I downloaded Firefox. And my life is exponentially better.

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