Saturday, August 08, 2009

but who's counting?

5 days until Nate is in Irvine!

28 days until we are married!
Double YAY!

(whoa - right?)

I like us ... I hope you do too!


heather said...

Awesome!!!! I like you guys and I've never even met him! I just know if you like him, then he has got to be one of the best guys out there!

Em said...

I am so excited for both of you. As my countdown got closer I got more and more tightly wound until I was almost nauseous the night before. Then when i walked in to the room I felt perfectly calm. And started crying the happy cry, which didn't let up for the whole ceremony -- make sure your mom has kleenex handy just in case. Yaay! Are you moving back to Eden (Oregon) after the blessed event?

Sarah Jayne said...

Can't wait! I like you!!!